ダン・コスタ氏とマイケル・ブラウン氏はソノマのトップレストラン「John Ash」で働いていました。 彼らがチップを貯めて0.5トンのピノ・ノアールの葡萄を購入してはじめたジョイントベンチャー、それがこの『コスタ・ブラウン』。その葡萄を『フリーマン・ワイナリー』 の施設を借りる形でワイン造りはひっそりと始まりました
まさに ”アメリカン ドリーム”を実現した彼らです
Kosta Browne Winery, in Sebastopol, was founded in 1997 when Dan Kosta and Michael Browne pooled their money to buy a half ton of Pinot Noir grapes and a used grape crusher. The men had been colleagues at a Santa Rosa restaurant, but dreamt of making their own wine. In 2001 they teamed up with Chris Costello, who provided the winemaking pair with a business plan and operational support. Today the three partners still run Kosta Browne, which does not have its own vineyards but sources grapes from the Russian River, Sonoma Coast and Santa Lucia Highlands. Kosta Browne makes only Pinot Noir, and has in little more than a decade developed a strong following for its wines, which are generally single vineyard bottlings. Most Kosta Browne wines are sold through their mailing list.